Gary C. Limoge Jr.
A.K.A.- Lord Hydra
D.O.B- August 22nd 1982
Location- Coddingtown
Significance- Guitar Pimp, Backing Vocals
Plays- Gibson Les Paul Studio, Ibanez EX Series
Effects- VOX Wha-Wha Pedal, DOD Super American Metal FX56-B
Experience- 3 ½ years
Music Preference- KoRn, LB, Snot, the Deftones, Tool, SOAD, Kid Rock, KMK
Likes- girls, shows, fans, girls, cheese, music, monkeyball, girls
Dislikes- "I got no time for the fakes and the phonies, the crooks and the creeps and
the cops and the cronies." Kid Rock
Lucky Numbers- 4 and 7
Personal Quote- "You like dem skills." |
